Group Travel Insurance
Group Travel Insurance

Does your business trip involve homing pigeons and guacamole?

June 27, 2024

If you’re accident prone like me, and you worry about a car door hitting you in the face, or walking into a pillar, you may panic when your boss signs you up for an overseas business trip, cue anxiety overload!


Where’s my checklist?

Bags packed, laptop, sunscreen, business itinerary, tickets, car park booked, money and check in on-line.

Tick. Tick.


Hold on! One thing forgotten…

Does my company have Group Travel insurance to protect us mere mortals when travelling for business?

Lets face it, business travel isn’t tripping over a rogue yoga mat and ending up face-first in a vat of guacamole at an international conference (just me?). But hey, even for the less, ahem, incident-prone travelers amongst us, group business trips can be a logistical nightmare.

That’s where Group Travel insurance swoops in, like a superhero with a cape and a bottomless cup of airplane coffee. It’s the Mary Poppins’ bag of travel serenity, holding a surprising amount of useful stuff:


Things you may not know about Business Group Travel insurance:

  • No medical screening is required.
  • Existing medical conditions aren’t excluded (subject to you not travelling against medical advice).
  • No excesses apply.


Most policies will also extend to cover:

  • Directors’ as noted on companies house, own leisure travel along with accompanied and unaccompanied partner and dependent children (subject to some age limitations).
  • Corporate guests travelling for a company event.
  • The excess on rental cars.


Multiple murphy’s law magicians? No sweat

We’ve all heard of Murphy’s Law – if something can go wrong, it probably will. Group Travel insurance can help if that “something” involves a rogue flock of pigeons causing a mass flight cancellation (hey, it’s happened!).


Directors can do Dubai (Without breaking the bank)

Some policies even cover the leisure travel of Directors. So, your boss can finally tick that Dubai dune buggy adventure off their bucket list, and you won’t be left footing the bill if they, well, let’s just say get a bit over enthusiastic with a “half pipe” move.


Pre-existing medical conditions? Pah!

We all have our quirks, and some of us have pre-existing medical conditions. This type of insurance often doesn’t require you to declare them, so you and your slightly-wonky knee can travel with peace of mind.


Rental car excess – We got you

Ever hire a car in the US and discover the excess on the insurance would buy you a small island? Group Travel insurance can often cover that too, meaning you can enjoy the open road and get where you need to go with out it turning into a financial meltdown.


So, how does it work?

Easy! All you really need is a general idea of where you’re travelling to and how often (think travel patterns, not souvenir spoons). With that information, you can get a quote for your group and be on your way to stress-free business adventures.

Now, go forth and conquer the world (without tripping over any more yoga mats!).

Want to risk less? Speak to one of our experts and arrange your Group Travel insurance policy today.

Call us on 0118 916 5480

Want to risk less? Speak to one of our experts and arrange your Group Travel insurance policy today.

Call us on 0118 916 5480

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